
It is essential that you read the following disclaimer carefully.

No Warranties

This website is provided as-is and comes without any express or implied warranties. My Coffee City does not provide any representations or warranties regarding this website or any information or content.

Everything on this site is designed for educational and informational purposes only. My Coffee City is not liable for the accuracy of the information provided, which may be either true, inaccurate, or misleading.

The information found on this site is not meant to be used as a substitute for consultation with professionals. The operators of My Coffee City cannot be held responsible for any damages that may occur from any information that can be found on this site.

Limitations of Liability

For whatever reason, even if this site and the information to be found here is free of charge, My Coffee City will not be held liable to any person, under the law of contract or the law of torts, in relation to the use of materials on, or the use of or anything in connection with this website, for any losses, either direct, indirect or consequential.

Even though you’re liable for anything related to your losses, we won’t be held liable for anything relating to losses to your business.


By accessing this website, you consent to the limitations and exclusions of liability, set forth in this agreement. If you find these limitations to be unreasonable, then please do not access this website.

Our Reviews and Recommendation Methods and Policies

Every product recommended by My Coffee City has been carefully studied or has been personally tested by one of our researchers. All have been deemed suitable for use. Though this is our personal opinion and not a professional one.

Neither My Coffee City nor its reviewers will be held liable for any losses, damage, or injury arising from products mentioned in our reviews.

Information is for Educational Purposes Only

  • All the content on this site is for entertainment purposes only. You should not rely on it for any kind of factual information and must instead consult a veterinarian.
  • This site and all its contents are for your personal use. The use of it for commercial use is prohibited.
  • Do not act upon or follow any of the instructions here without first consulting with a professional. The advice given here is not meant to be and cannot be construed as being a professional suggestion.
  • If you are in need of treatment, do not use any of this information to self-diagnose. Rather, go to see a certified professional.
  • There are no real professionals behind this website. It’s an informal list of information that can be a fun introduction to coffee and beverages.
  • This site will not be held responsible for any issues caused by using the information stead of seeking certified advice. Furthermore, you must not neglect the advice given by certified professionals and attempt to fix problems on your own by using the information found on this site.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

In order to abide by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we

  • Keeping track of compliance and good user experience on our website.
  • Completing appropriate alt tags for all images, videos, and audio files
  • Working to generate transcriptions for both audio and video content.
  • Identify the language the site is written in by checking the header code.
  • Detecting user input errors and suggesting options.
  • Implementing a uniform, structured design

Please contact us here if you have suggestions for us in regards to this topic. We’d love to create an even better user experience for all of our readers.