keurig is not brewing

5 Reasons Keurig Is Not Brewing (SOLVED)

Keurig. The name alone brings to mind the divine smell of brewing coffee. But what happens when that faithful machine, which has been your morning companion for years, suddenly stops working? Your day begins not with the inviting aroma of fresh coffee but with the cold reality that your Keurig is not brewing. Sound familiar? If so, then you’ve hit the right spot. Let’s plunge into the nitty-gritty of troubleshooting this tricky issue. Ready to leap? Well then, buckle up and let’s dive in!

Identifying the Problem

Your Keurig coffee maker, like any reliable machine, is built to let you know when something’s not right. You might notice your coffee cup isn’t as full as it usually is, or, even worse, your Keurig might not be brewing coffee at all. You may also hear strange noises, like humming or gurgling, coming from your coffee maker, which could mean it’s not working properly. Spotting these issues is your first step in figuring out what’s wrong with your Keurig, just like with any other appliance.

How To Fix Keurig Not Brewing Basic Issues

So, your Keurig has decided to rebel. What’s the next course of action? Before you start pulling out your hair in despair or, heaven forbid, contemplate switching to instant coffee, consider these straightforward fixes. You might be pleasantly surprised by how uncomplicated the solutions can be!

Power Cycle

This is akin to hitting “Ctrl+Alt+Del” for your Keurig. Switch off the machine, disconnect it from the power source, count to ten (or twenty if you’re in a particularly meditative mood), reconnect it, and start it up again. This simple reset can often rectify minor glitches. It’s almost like granting your Keurig a quick power nap to rejuvenate!

Checking Water Levels

Could your Keurig be suffering from dehydration? An empty or nearly empty water reservoir can impede the brewing process. It’s as ineffective as attempting to shower without water. Ensure you fill up the water tank, providing your Keurig with the essential hydration it requires to perform its magic.

Inspecting K-Cup Holder

A damaged K-cup or one that’s incorrectly seated can throw your brewing process into chaos. It’s as futile as trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Always ensure your K-cups are intact and positioned correctly. Consider this akin to tucking your Keurig in with its favorite blanket.

Clean Reservoir

A grimy water reservoir can negatively affect not only the flavor of your coffee but also the functioning of your machine. Nobody enjoys swimming in a polluted pool, right? So, gear up, grab a non-abrasive cloth, and give the reservoir a good cleaning. Your Keurig will be appreciative!

Reset the Machine

Consider resetting your Keurig as a last resort, like wiping a chalkboard clean for a fresh start. Be aware that a reset will erase any personalized settings you’ve configured on your Keurig. Proceed with caution!

How To Fix Keurig Not Brewing Advanced Issues

If your Keurig is still playing hardball, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and channel your inner mechanic. Don’t worry, we’re right there with you.

Descale the Machine

Just like limescale can accumulate in your kettle, it can also form in your Keurig, leading to disruptive behavior. Descaling your Keurig will eradicate this mineral build-up, ensuring a seamless operation. Descaling can be achieved using a descaling solution and water. Fill the reservoir with this solution, then commence the brewing cycle sans a K-cup. Repeat this process until the reservoir is empty, effectively rinsing away the build-up.

Remember to thoroughly cleanse your Keurig post-descaling. Conduct several brewing cycles with water only to guarantee the complete removal of the descaling solution or vinegar. For an in-depth understanding of descaling your Keurig, refer to our detailed guide.

Needle Cleaning

Over time, the needle in your Keurig can morph into a graveyard for coffee grounds, obstructing the water flow and impeding the brewing process. Think of it as having a pebble stuck in your shoe; it might be minuscule, but it can certainly wreak havoc on your day! Cleaning the needle can be a somewhat intricate task, so proceed with caution to avoid mishaps.

If your Keurig remains obstinate post-needle cleaning and descaling, a machine reset might be the next course of action.

When to Seek Professional Help

Not all battles are meant to be fought alone. If your Keurig refuses to cooperate despite all your efforts, it might be time to call in the cavalry. There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it!

Check your warranty status first. If you’re covered, contact Keurig customer service and explain the problem. They might be able to offer a replacement or guide you further. If you’re not under warranty, you might consider getting your Keurig professionally serviced or, if it’s been a while, upgrading to a newer model.

Preventing Future Brewing Issues

Prevention is always preferable to cure. A few simple preventive steps can save you from considerable trouble down the line. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

Regular maintenance and cleaning are crucial. Treat your Keurig as a treasured possession, and it will reciprocate with an endless supply of delightful cups of coffee.

Avoid using hard water, as the minerals can accumulate within the machine and cause blockages. It’s like cholesterol for your Keurig; not at all beneficial! Opt for filtered or bottled water instead.

Finally, ensure you insert K-cups correctly. It’s like donning a shirt; do it right, and everything aligns perfectly. Do it wrong, and well, you get the picture.


In the grand scheme of life, a “Keurig not brewing” situation might seem like a small hurdle. But when you’re standing in your kitchen at the crack of dawn, sleep-deprived and longing for that first sip of coffee, it can feel like a mountain. Don’t worry, though; with this guide, you’re well-equipped to tackle this issue head-on.

After all, nothing – and I mean nothing – should come between you and your coffee!


What can cause a Keurig not to brew?

From an empty water reservoir to a clogged needle, a variety of factors can cause your Keurig not to brew. Some issues can be easily fixed at home, while others might require professional help. If your machine isn’t working as it should, use our detailed Keurig troubleshooting guide to diagnose and fix the problem.

How can I prevent future brewing issues with my Keurig?

Regular maintenance, using the right type of water, and proper handling of K-cups can go a long way in preventing future brewing issues. For a step-by-step guide on maintaining your Keurig, check out our post on Keurig maintenance.

Is a “Keurig not brewing” issue always fixable at home?

While many problems can be resolved with home troubleshooting, some issues may require professional intervention. If your Keurig continues to malfunction despite your best efforts, don’t hesitate to contact Keurig customer service.

How often should I clean my Keurig to prevent brewing issues?

Regular cleaning can help prevent many common brewing issues. Ideally, you should descale your Keurig every 3 to 6 months. If your Keurig gets heavy use, you might need to do it more often. For more information on cleaning your Keurig, refer to our Keurig cleaning guide.

Ronald Miller

I've been using multimeters for over seven years now, and I've tinkered with almost every brand out there. You might even say I'm a bit of a multimeter expert, but let's not get too carried away with titles.

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