How To Fix Keurig K-Duo When It’S Not Dispensing

How To Fix Keurig K-Duo Not Pumping After Descaling (FIXED)

A good cup of coffee helps you start your day, but it is tough to enjoy that perfect cup of joe if your Keurig Duo is not pumping water. There are many reasons why this could happen. Fortunately, there are also ways to troubleshoot and some that are easy to fix yourself.

In this guide, I will walk you through several troubleshooting steps that you can take to get your K-Duo pumping properly. So you can enjoy your cup of coffee in the morning again!

Why Does Keurig Duo Not Pumping Water?

If your Keurig Duo is making sounds but is not releasing water, it is usually due to blockages inside the machine. These blockages or clogs prevent the water from flowing as it should. There are several reasons for these clogs, and understanding them is the first step to fixing the problem.

How To Notice Keurig K-Duo Not Pumping

When your Keurig K-Duo is not working as it should, it can be a real inconvenience, especially if you are looking forward to that morning coffee. But how can you tell if the machine is not pumping water? Here are some clear signs to help you diagnose the issue:

Power Issues: Your Keurig machine turns ON but then quickly shuts OFF without completing the brewing process.

Constant Water Alerts: Even when there’s sufficient water, the machine continuously displays the “Add water” warning on its screen.

Stuck in Warm-Up: The machine seems to be endlessly stuck in the pre-heating phase and doesn’t move on to brewing.

Slow Dripping: The coffee takes an unusually long time to drip, or the machine doesn’t dispense the right amount of coffee.

Quality Concerns: The coffee doesn’t taste right. It might taste off or even have tiny particles floating in your cup, which shouldn’t be there.

How To Fix Keurig Duo Not Pumping Water Issue

Fortunately, in most cases, the underlying cause is something that can be easily addressed. Here are the most common reasons and their solutions:

1. Issue With Reservoir

keurig k duo not pumping water

The first thing you should look into when your Keurig is not pumping water is the water reservoir. It is a basic solution, but often, the problem lies here. If there is no water in the reservoir, the machine will not be able to function. So, always ensure it is filled with fresh, cold water. Before you start brewing, take a moment to check the water level.

But it is not just about having water in the reservoir; it is also about how it is positioned. If the reservoir is not seated correctly, your Keurig might not work as it should. Make sure it is securely in place. And do not forget about the lid. If it is not closed the right way, you might run into problems.

Now, there is another thing about the reservoir that you might not be aware of. Inside, there is a magnet. This magnet helps the machine detect the amount of water inside. But sometimes, this magnet can move out of its proper position due to the vibrations from brewing. When this happens, your Keurig might think there is no water, even if the reservoir is full.

If you suspect this is the issue, give the tank a gentle tap near where the magnet is. This can help realign it. If it does not move, try giving it a little shake. If still no luck, you may need to replace the water reservoir.

2. Keurig Require Descaling

Your Keurig K-Duo might not pump well because of something called limescale. It’s like dirt that builds up inside from the water. If you don’t clean this out, your coffee machine can have problems.

What can you do? You need to clean or “descale” your Keurig.

If you’re using hard water, which has a high mineral content, in your Keurig, then the chances of limescale buildup are even higher. Not sure if your water is hard? You can use a low-cost test kit to find out. If it turns out you have hard water, you’ll need to descale your machine more often.

Keurig has its own descaling solution, designed to work with all their models. It’s essential to use it as directed on the package. Generally, it’s a good practice to descale your brewer every three to six months. But if you’ve been skipping this routine or haven’t done it in a long while, limescale has likely formed inside.

  1. Get a descaling solution. Keurig has its own, but others work too.
  2. Fill the Keurig with this solution and water.
  3. Put a big cup under the spout.
  4. Run the Keurig a few times without a coffee pod.
  5. After, run it with just clean water a few times to rinse it out.

Symptoms of a Keurig that requires descaling include:

3. Clogged WaterLine

A clogged water line is another common issue preventing K-Duo from pumping water. The water line is the tube that carries water from the reservoir to the brewing chamber. Over time, mineral buildup can clog the water line, preventing water from flowing through.

To fix this issue, you will need to clean the water line.

  1. Removing and emptying the water tank. Also, remove the water filter holder.
  2.  Flip the reservoir over and locate the nozzle with the spring. Take something like an eraser end of a pencil and try pushing the spring a few times.

If the spring moves easily, that is the problem with the water line.

  1. Attach the tank back to the machine and fill it with a few inches of water.
  2.  Take Turkey Baster and suck up some water.
  3.  Splash the Baster directly into the nozzle where the tank meets the water line. This will allow you to flush out the water line and nozzle.
  4.  Repeat this several times until the water line runs clear.

After completing this process, running a hot water cycle is important to ensure the water line is cleaned out.

4. Clogged In Needles

Still, If your Keurig K-Duo isn’t pumping water, the needles might be the problem. These needles poke into the K-Cup, allowing water to flow and brew your coffee. But sometimes, they can get blocked, stopping the water flow.

Here’s how to clean them in simple steps:

  1. First, make sure your machine is off. Unplug it from the power source for safety.
  2. Next, take out the cup holder from your Keurig. You’ll see different parts attached to it. Separate these parts so you can clean them.
  3. Pay special attention to the exit needle on the cup holder. This is where the brewed coffee comes out. If there’s any blockage, you can use a paperclip or a needle to clear it out. Just gently poke inside the tube of the pod holder to remove any debris.
  4. Now, look for the entrance needle. This is under the part of the machine where the brewing happens. This needle has two holes that might need cleaning. Again, a paperclip or a needle will do the trick. Gently poke inside to clear any blockages.
  5. Once you’ve cleaned both needles, put the cup holder back together and place it back in the machine.
  6. Finally, turn your Keurig back on. Run a cycle using just water and the largest cup setting. This will rinse everything inside, making sure your machine is clean and ready to brew.

More Advanced Issues – Keurig Duo Not Pumping

When you’ve tried all the basic troubleshooting steps and your Keurig still isn’t working, it’s time to consider some more advanced issues.

Motor Problems

One sign of a deeper problem is if you don’t hear any motor noise when you try to run your Keurig. This could mean the motor itself is broken. In such situations, you might need to replace the motor or, in some cases, the entire unit.

Damaged Water Pump

Another potential issue is with the water pump. Like any part, the pump can wear out over time. If you’ve tried all the other solutions and your Keurig still isn’t pumping water, a damaged water pump might be the culprit.

When considering a replacement, it’s essential to get a pump that matches your Keurig model’s specifications. While replacing the pump might seem straightforward, it’s often a good idea to call in a professional. They’ll know the ins and outs of the machine and can ensure a safe and effective replacement.

Reaching Out for Help

If you’ve exhausted all options and your Keurig still isn’t working, your best bet is to contact Keurig’s customer service. They can guide you through any additional troubleshooting steps. If all else fails, they can inform you about repair options or if your machine is still under warranty, they might even offer a replacement. Remember, it’s always worth reaching out for expert advice when dealing with more complex issues.

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Ronald Miller

I've been using multimeters for over seven years now, and I've tinkered with almost every brand out there. You might even say I'm a bit of a multimeter expert, but let's not get too carried away with titles.