How To Descale Nespresso Lattissima One Pro Plus Touch Gran

How To Descale Nespresso Lattissima – All Models

The Nespresso Lattissima! A magnificent machine that brings the joys of coffee right into your kitchen. But let’s face it, like any coffee maker, it needs a little TLC now and then to keep delivering those heavenly brews. That’s where descaling comes in—a vital maintenance step that ensures your Lattissima stays in tip-top shape. 

So, in this handy guide, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to descale your Nespresso Lattissima, no matter which models you own. Consider it your passport to a longer-lasting, better-tasting coffee experience. 

Time to roll up those sleeves and give your beloved machine the pampering it deserves. Let’s get brewing!

How Often To Descale Nespresso Lattissima Models

According to the coffee gurus at Nespresso, it’s time to break out that descaling kit when the “Cappuccino” button on your Lattissima machine starts giving you a steady orange light. That’s the signal that your machine requires a descaling TLC.

It’s a breeze that can be completed in just 15 to 20 minutes. Trust me, that’s less time than it takes to binge-watch your favorite show or scroll through your social media feeds (we’re all guilty of that!).

Now, here’s where water quality comes into play. The hardness of the water in your area can impact how frequently you should descale your machine. Water hardness varies from place to place, and if you reside in an area blessed with high water hardness, you’ll likely need to descale more frequently.

Can You Use Vinegar Instead Of A Descaling Solution?

Using vinegar instead of a descaling solution for your Nespresso Lattissima is not recommended. While some articles may mention vinegar as a possible alternative, it is ineffective in removing limescale or rust. 

Moreover, using vinegar can leave a lingering taste in your coffee and even pose a risk of leakage in your machine. It is best to use a descaling solution specifically designed for Nespresso machines to ensure proper descaling and maintenance.

Required Materials

To embark on your descaling journey with your Nespresso Lattissima, you’ll need a few key materials:

How To Descale Nespresso Lattissima – Each Model

Here’s a concise breakdown of how to descale Nespresso Lattissima for each model:

Gran Lattissima

  1. Open the lever to remove used capsules and empty the drip tray, capsule container, cup support, and drop collector.
  2. Fill the water tank with the descaling solution and water as instructed.
  3. Connect the descaling pipe to the steam connector at the back of the machine.
  4. The machine will enter descale mode. Place a 1L container under the descaling pipe and coffee outlet.
  5. Press the flat white button to start the descaling cycle.
  6. Empty and rinse the containers, and refill the water tank with fresh water.
  7. Start the rinse cycle by pressing the flat white button again.
  8. Remove the descaling pipe and return it to the back of the machine.
  9. Fill the water reservoir with fresh water.
  10. Nespresso Gran Lattissima descaled and ready to brew.

Lattissima One

  1. Eject used capsules and empty the drip tray and capsule container.
  2. Add the descaling solution and water (0.5 L) to the tank.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet.
  4. Connect the descaling pipe to the steam connector.
  5. Enter descale mode by turning the machine on.
  6. Press the espresso button to start the descaling cycle.
  7. Empty and rinse the containers, and refill the water tank with fresh water.
  8. Start the rinse cycle by pressing the espresso button again.
  9. Remove the descaling pipe and return it to the back of the machine.
  10. Fill the water reservoir with fresh water.
  11. Nespresso Lattissima One is descaled and ready to brew.

Lattissima Pro

  1. Eject used capsules and empty the drip tray and capsule container.
  2. Enter the menu and select the descaling option.
  3. Add the descaling solution and water (0.5 L) to the tank.
  4. Insert the hot water spout and place a 1L container under it and the coffee outlet.
  5. Confirm to start the descaling cycle.
  6. Empty the containers, rinse, and refill the water tank.
  7. Confirm to start the rinse cycle.
  8. Rinse the hot water spout with clean water.
  9. Nespresso Lattissima Pro is descaled and ready to brew.

Lattissima Plus

  1. Eject used capsules and empty the drip tray and capsule container.
  2. Add the descaling solution and water (0.5 L) to the tank.
  3. Connect the descaling pipe to the steam connector.
  4. Press the cappuccino button to start the descaling cycle.
  5. Empty and rinse the containers, and refill the water tank.
  6. Press the cappuccino button to start the rinse cycle.
  7. Remove the descaling pipe and return it to its storage area.
  8. Fill the water tank with fresh water.
  9. Nespresso Lattissima Plus is descaled and ready to brew.

Lattissima Touch

  1. Eject used capsules and empty the drip tray and capsule container.
  2. Add the descaling solution and water (0.5 L) to the tank.
  3. Connect the descaling pipe to the steam connector.
  4. Press the warm milk button to start the descaling cycle.
  5. Empty and rinse the containers, and refill the water tank.
  6. Press the warm milk button to start the rinse cycle.
  7. Remove the descaling pipe and return it to its storage area.
  8. Fill the water tank with fresh water.
  9. Nespresso Lattissima Touch is descaled and ready to brew.


To wrap it all up, descaling your Nespresso Lattissima is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and delicious coffee. Regular descaling intervals, based on the “Cappuccino” button indicator, ensure a clean and limescale-free machine. Use the recommended descaling solution, follow the specific instructions for your model, and keep your Lattissima running smoothly for countless coffee moments to come. Happy descaling and happy sipping!

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Ronald Miller

I've been using multimeters for over seven years now, and I've tinkered with almost every brand out there. You might even say I'm a bit of a multimeter expert, but let's not get too carried away with titles.

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