Keurig K155 Clicking Won't Turn On

Keurig K155 Clicking Won’t Turn On: Troubleshooting Guide

Keurig K155 is commonly used in offices, hotels, and households where a reliable coffee brewing solution is needed. One of the most common issues faced by Keurig K155 owners is the clicking sound the machine makes when it fails to turn on. Instead of the usual smooth operation, you might hear a series of clicks and see no signs of the machine powering up. This can be both frustrating and puzzling, but fear not, as we’re here to help you get to the bottom of it.

Debris in the flow lines: Over time, debris can accumulate in the flow lines of the Keurig K155. When this happens, the machine attempts to brew, but the water cannot move through the clogged lines, resulting in clicking sounds and a failure to power on.

Troubleshooting the Keurig K155 Clicking Issue

To resolve the clicking issue with your Keurig K155, follow these troubleshooting steps:

Check the Power Source

First and foremost, ensure that the coffee maker is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection or a tripped circuit breaker can prevent the machine from turning on.

Examine the power cord for any visible signs of damage, such as cuts or frayed wires. If you notice any issues, it’s crucial to replace the power cord promptly to avoid any potential electrical hazards.

Reset the Keurig

Resetting your Keurig K155 may help resolve the clicking issue. To do this, unplug the coffee maker from the power source, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in. This simple reset can often fix minor glitches and restore the machine’s functionality.

Descale the Machine

With prolonged use, the water used in your machine can leave behind mineral deposits, which may hamper the optimal functioning of your Keurig K155. This phenomenon, known as scaling, can often result in irregular noises and performance degradation. To rectify this issue, the descaling of your machine becomes a necessity. This process entails utilizing a designated descaling solution or an alternative like a vinegar-water mixture to thoroughly cleanse the machine’s interior. Descaling effectively breaks down and removes the accumulated mineral deposits, thus ensuring the unobstructed flow of water within the machine and consequently enhancing its operational efficiency.

Clean the Needles

As mentioned earlier, debris in the flow lines can hinder the Keurig K155’s operation. Cleaning the top and bottom needles can help remove any blockages and restore proper water flow. Gently insert the end of a paperclip into the needles to dislodge any debris.

Check the Water Reservoir

Ensure that the water reservoir is properly seated in its position. A misaligned or improperly inserted water reservoir can prevent the machine from functioning correctly. Remove the reservoir, inspect it for any debris, and place it back securely.

Clean and Replace the Water Filter

Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of your Keurig K155. Clean the water filter holder and replace the filter as the manufacturer recommends. This helps prevent debris buildup, ensuring smooth water flow and reducing the likelihood of clicking issues.

Contact Keurig Support

If none of the above steps resolve the clicking problem, it’s time to reach out to Keurig’s customer support. They have dedicated professionals who can provide further guidance and assist you in resolving the issue.

Future Tips for Preventing the Keurig Clicking Issue

Prevention is always better than a cure. Here are some tips to help you prevent the clicking issue with your Keurig K155:

Use Filtered or Distilled Water

Using filtered or distilled water can significantly reduce the chances of debris buildup in the flow lines. These types of water minimize mineral deposits and impurities that can lead to clogging, ensuring a smooth brewing process.

Regularly Clean and Maintain the Keurig K155

Make it a habit to clean your Keurig K155 regularly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, descaling, and general maintenance. This will help prevent any blockages and ensure the longevity of your coffee maker.

Replace the Water Filter as Recommended

The water filter in your Keurig K155 plays a crucial role in providing clean and fresh-tasting coffee. Be sure to replace the water filter as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain optimal performance and prevent any potential issues.


Experiencing the clicking issue with your Keurig K155 can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to ruin your coffee experience. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article and implementing preventive measures, you can restore your Keurig K155’s functionality and enjoy delicious cups of coffee hassle-free.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why does my Keurig K155 click but not turn on?

The clicking issue is often caused by debris in the flow lines or other minor glitches. Following the troubleshooting steps in this article can help resolve the problem.

Can using tap water cause the clicking issue?

Yes, tap water can contribute to mineral deposits and debris buildup in the flow lines. Using filtered or distilled water is recommended to minimize these issues.

How often should I clean my Keurig K155?

Regular cleaning is essential. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and descaling, which typically recommend cleaning every few months.

Is it necessary to replace the water filter?

Yes, replacing the water filter as recommended by the manufacturer ensures clean and fresh-tasting coffee while preventing potential issues.

What should I do if the clicking issue persists after troubleshooting?

If the clicking issue persists, it’s best to contact Keurig’s customer support for further assistance and guidance. They can provide specialized help to resolve the problem.

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Ronald Miller

I've been using multimeters for over seven years now, and I've tinkered with almost every brand out there. You might even say I'm a bit of a multimeter expert, but let's not get too carried away with titles.

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